Thursday 23 February 2017


Im like so in desperate to update my blog like i need to type something feeling. Actually im kinda having some thoughts right now.
Before i met my guy. I seem to believe all the drama ive been watching for ages. Like whenever you have a partner, you partner would treat you well. As his princess. As his queen. But then when i am really in the reality. All the dramas scene is bullshit. I am not saying my guy is out of the fairytale things. He still in the right path. But you know man right in this era we could read so many stuff that related to those who were having problems in relationship , they like sharing all their thoughts stories through facebook , blogs etc. I love to read em all because i just wanted to feel how to be in relationship is really are.
Most of the stories that i read is that women are not have been treat as well as what they deserved. And based from what ive been reading which is a stories that honestly told by their husband abt how bad they treated their wife before. Ada yang pukul , poligami etc. Pukul is major la dalam relationship problem bcoz real man never use their hand on women. Poligami is okay if you really mintak izin your first wife and boleh adil like everything you give equally. You should.
Perempuan utk disayangi. Yes it is. Dan difahami as well. Women/wife are not tough compared to men/husband. Their heart is idk man susah nak describe. Benda kecil boleh terus jadi sentap and sensitif. Tetambah on their special week of the month. Women also known as kaum yang asyik nak menang eventho dah terang2 salah. Nope. We just love argument which is boleh dengar points yang matured from our partner. We realized that sometimes we make mistake tapi kadang2 rasa nak pretend betul jugak tapi kitaorang tahu je yang weolss salah. Kalau kitaorang tahu some argument boleh membawa kepada penceraian well i means pergaduhan , perempuan lebih selesa choose utk duduk diam2 dua tiga hari tanda protes sebab nak dipujuk sebab manja la kot kan. Haha. Its complicated tho. As perempuan pun sometimes i tak faham apa yang sebenarnya perempuan nak dalam hidup. Tapi yang ai tahu we really need companion mcm org yang boleh protect on anything. Yang sayang weolss la kan.
I ada baca satu story which her husband regrets for not treat his wife well while she's there. After his wife had gone to another world then only he realized his fault. What you gonna do when everything is too late for you to fix ? Nothing man.
Basically as a men you should treat your girl/wife etc (any women you love) well. Remember that she is the only one who stay by your side , facing your ego almost in every argument. Well said, just let them win as your heart are winning by them.

Sunday 18 September 2016

a bloody quick life update

Assalamualaikum gaiss

i am here still in UUM
still gais.

Already entering the third week in semester 3.How time fliesssssss. Cepat gila but luckily last week cuti. Lagi lah tak terasa. haha

I am soooo looking forward dengan any cuti yang ada bcoz sem 3 ni macam tak berapa nak ada semangat untuk teruskan hidup. so lebih baik tidoq. Yaya rasa mcm nak tidoq this whole sem. Bangun ja terus p exam. lol. only if. I literally sangat takda semanagt apatah lagi baru lepas cuti like whatttttttttttt kena study. hahaha. walaupun akan study time study week. haha but stilllllllllllllll. malas nak mampus. malas menghadap kelas. like everyday habis kelas pukul 230. so i am looking forward after 230 tu sebab nak tidoq. hahahaha. tolonglahhhhhhhhhhh. wadefakk rambut manyak gugur ni,  Haih.

I am so stressssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss.

Haaaa. i ni mcm sakit mentel pun ada. sebab last sem ai mcm nak commit suicide sebab i am so stress dengan exam. serious. Macam lepas settle solat isyak kan. Ai akan duduk dekat atas katil dengan takde semangat nya mengadu lah dekat sesapa. mama ka abah ka boyfriend ka. Sedih kot hidup iolsss. Ai sumpah rasa mcm nak bunuh diri sebab mcm taktau dah mcm mana nak survive dengan hidup kat uni. Padahal time tu dah start exam pastu cam lepas exam terus balik kampung but thennnnn. it was Ramadhan . Lagi la hakak sedih bcoz eevryday kena puasa sesorang dengan stressnya lagi dengan nak study kepala hotak lagi macam-macam lagi.

I wajib stress masa minggu exam sebab kepala macam tepu dan ai kalau study pulak rasa takmau berhenti. even tidur pun ai rasa membazir sangat padahl tengah mengantuk sakit kepala ya amattttttt. Macam ada tabiat ni dari sekolah which is study sampai malam buta tido kejap pastu bangun balik pukul 3 pagi sambung menghafal sambil sahur dan solat sunat. Ai macam taktau macam mana nak handle dah ai punya tabiat study mcm ongile. Menangis is wajib walhal i tengok roomate i rilek ja kot tak stress langsung. Study pun rilek rilek  ja tak pecah pun kepala. Totally different from me.

But somehow......ada hasillllll weeeeeeeeeeeee. Daripada stress tu semua lah bagi  ai hasil gempak gila last sem. Alhamdulillah. :)


Tuesday 5 April 2016

Quick Update

Hai, assalamualaikum

its a quick update. its a life update as well. So here i am STILL at the UUM. Semester 2 already. Last update was last year. The very freshie year as university student.

This semester were quite though. Super though i can tell you sebab subject for this sem is damnnnnnnnnnnnn. I am regretting for the course that i choose. lately. But yeah. Maybe there were hikmah behinds this path. I dont know.

I am already 20 y/0 by now. Not really. Not so close. but yeah. 96's kids yo. I am not a teenager anymore ( by what people were saying when you reached 20 ). A young adult is pretty accurate leh. oh btw. I love how chinese people talked i means their slang whenever their speaks in malay. Cute leh. haha. 

My bestfriend asked me last week. How do i actually learn english. How do i can well fluently speaks and reads in english (novels). Haha. I should asked here to read my blogs then she would know how bad i am on writing (grammar) then she will definitely stop admiring my english. hahaha. lmao. I love speaks in english sebab I boleh tahu how confident i am. Kalau cakap malay dengan everyone macam small matter. i would amazed kalau someone who confidently can speaks in english like really really well and fluent mcm hoii hang ni matsaleh ka. Tapi sesuka suka I pun there's none of my friends yang nak cakap english. They are not helping me or helping themselves indeed. Sad.

Omg. I found this post are so rojak meh. Nevermind la nama pun quick update so that was what i actually did. 

 I am looking forward for a short vacation right now. Please ! 
