Tuesday 5 April 2016

Quick Update

Hai, assalamualaikum

its a quick update. its a life update as well. So here i am STILL at the UUM. Semester 2 already. Last update was last year. The very freshie year as university student.

This semester were quite though. Super though i can tell you sebab subject for this sem is damnnnnnnnnnnnn. I am regretting for the course that i choose. lately. But yeah. Maybe there were hikmah behinds this path. I dont know.

I am already 20 y/0 by now. Not really. Not so close. but yeah. 96's kids yo. I am not a teenager anymore ( by what people were saying when you reached 20 ). A young adult is pretty accurate leh. oh btw. I love how chinese people talked i means their slang whenever their speaks in malay. Cute leh. haha. 

My bestfriend asked me last week. How do i actually learn english. How do i can well fluently speaks and reads in english (novels). Haha. I should asked here to read my blogs then she would know how bad i am on writing (grammar) then she will definitely stop admiring my english. hahaha. lmao. I love speaks in english sebab I boleh tahu how confident i am. Kalau cakap malay dengan everyone macam small matter. i would amazed kalau someone who confidently can speaks in english like really really well and fluent mcm hoii hang ni matsaleh ka. Tapi sesuka suka I pun there's none of my friends yang nak cakap english. They are not helping me or helping themselves indeed. Sad.

Omg. I found this post are so rojak meh. Nevermind la nama pun quick update so that was what i actually did. 

 I am looking forward for a short vacation right now. Please ! 



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